
if you could hear it...

It’s loud.

A nervous system Orchestra.
But, the instrument’s strings are frayed;
the musicians forgot the basic scales;
and the conductor is wasted.

The Immune System plays on
creating its own showstoppers
The Interlude of the Inflammatory Inferno or Allergy Anthem
among them.

The strings need to be re-strung.
The tune re-harmonized.
The ensemble retaught how to find its rhythm.

if you could touch it… 

It’s textured.
Patchy like a quilt.

 Skin like tissue paper.
Thinned. Missing a layer. Hypersensitive.

 Eyes filled with sea glass;
Strained, absent a coat.

A gingerbread man
with patches where an eager kid
took a bite,
stitched back together with frosting.

 Limits akin
to balancing
egg on a spoon.

if you could see it…

It’s everywhere.
An intertwined 3-D lattice.

A matrix-like network of nerve fibers;
The Central Signaling Interstate of the body with exits to the essentials:
Blood vessels, breathing, digestion, sense of motion and vision, taste and speech.
Sensory units voyaging through the head and mouth, webbing through muscles, threading through hands and feet.
Wires of communication. 
Puppet Masters of gland and immune function; of thermostat settings for sleep, energy, focus.

These nerves live in a lattice-unit with their dance partner: Immune cells.
Both stepping in toe, each thinking they are the lead.
The latter twirl out their contents; creating flu-like, fevery vibes, or instant allergic immunoreactivity,
in a way that rains back on the structure.
Like immune system confetti.
Puppeteering the lattice strings as they fall. 

It operates like a kaleidoscope.
An hourly state of adjustment.
Dynamically shifting with demand.

The IG Infusions serve as Chief Modulating Officer.
Teaching the immune system to change its dance steps; to dampen its flames.
To de-activate its auto attack throughout the body.
To give the tissues a chance to regrow, gain functionality; and strengthen.

The IV fluid infusions serve as the Day Spa.
A hose down of the inflamed structure.
A salt bath for the nerves.
Dip in… Get salty… Rebalance.

The way the cookie crumbled, this entity has been accumulating insults over years.
Tissue damage spreading and morphing; different units of the Immune Army getting called to duty; Ancillary parts becoming affected.

Various steps along the way renovating a section; painting a room; leaving an imprint.
A lofty remodel with an evolving blueprint; a work site that seems half like it’s being broken down; half built back up.

Nail by nail, gaining structural integrity.
Cell by cell, Kaleidoscoping its way to improved designs.

(Summer 2021)


introduction: art